Chai Society

UH’s Annual Fundraiser celebrating the 2025 Chai Society honorees

Saturday, May 3

Nominate a Dedicated United Hebrew Member for the 2025 Chai Society Honors,

At United Hebrew, we are inspired by those who dedicate their time and energy to strengthening our congregation and the broader St. Louis Jewish community. The Chai Society Honors celebrate individuals who embody a spirit of service, leadership, and commitment to making our congregation a welcoming and vibrant Jewish home.

Do you know someone who exemplifies these qualities? We invite you to submit a nomination!

In 250 words or less, tell us about an individual best personifies what it means to contribute to the life of UH and/or the St. Louis Jewish Community. Nominees should serve as a positive role model for others, demonstrating a dedication to making the world a better place through their actions and spirit.

Past Honorees Include

Susan Allison, Andy Babitz, Fran Balk, Naomi Barasch, Mike (z”l) & Sheryl Bauer, Susan Becker, Barbara Bloomrosen, Stan Bunsick, Harry Cohen (z”l), Dave Cornfeld (z”l), Marcy & Rick Cornfeld, Jill Crane, Iris DeWoskin, Cookie (z”l) & Ed Epstein, Josh Essman, Beth Feldman, Charlie Feldman, Julie Gibbs, Ron Gieseke, Lois Guller, David Halpern, Myron Holtzman, Michael Klein, Paul Kravitz, Sherilyn & Barry Krell, Linda Kusmer, Lori Lander, Felicia Malter, Steve Malter, Jenifer Newmark, Stacey Prelutsky, Stacy & David Rolfe, H. Lee Rosenberg, Dale Schwartz, Tony Spielberg, Abby & Jim Susman, Fancine (z”l) & Deane (z”l)  Thompson, Stan Towerman (z”l), Steven Toybes, Alan Wolff (z”l), Leslie Yoffie

Submit a Nomination

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13788 Conway Road
St. Louis, MO 63141
314-469-0700 (Main Office/Clergy)
314-434-3404 (School Office)

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Monday - Friday,
8:30 am - 5:15 pm

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