April 5, 2023, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
6:00 PM – First Night Passover Seder
Messing Auditorium
Designed for all ages. Led by UH Clergy. A delicious traditional seder meal will be served. It will include matzah ball soup, gefilte fish, brisket, seasoned broccoli, candied carrots, garlic and parsley mashed potatoes, and dessert. The vegan/vegetarian option is stuffed zucchini.
This UH seder is like being with a large family. Please let us know if you would like to participate in reading, helping to serve or even set-up and clean-up just like we do in our own homes.
Adults $25 UH member $35 non-member
Child (age 3-12) $16 UH member $21 non-member
Children under 3 – free of charge
RSVPs required by Wednesday, March 29 or until sold out. Early reservations recommended.
Register here or call 314-469-0700.
Include with whom you would like to sit (if applicable) and if you would like the vegetarian option. All reservations must be made and paid for in advance.
We will not be able to accommodate walk-ins at the door.