Making a Planned Gift to United Hebrew Congregation allows you to invest in our future through the financial and estate planning decisions you make today.
There are many options which can help you to make a meaningful gift, satisfy your financial concerns, and offer you significant tax advantages. Please consult your legal and/or financial advisor about including UH in your estate plans with a bequest, charitable trust, life insurance policy, or other appropriate vehicle. Please notify us of a gift you have made or would like to make to United Hebrew in your estate plans by contacting UH at 314-469-0700 or
The Legacy Circle is a group of United Hebrew members who share a common commitment to the future of United Hebrew Congregation. By taking advantage of various planned giving methods, they have created a legacy for the Congregation. The Legacy Circle has been established to give much deserved recognition to members who help ensure the future of United Hebrew through these and other planned giving opportunities. Being part of the Legacy Circle includes special recognition events.
Leave a lasting legacy at United Hebrew Congregation by including the UH in your estate plans through a bequest, charitable trust, life insurance policy, or another appropriate vehicle.
Name United Hebrew Congregation in your will or estate plan as a recipient of a set percentage or dollar amount of your estate. Your estate will be entitled to an estate tax deduction. For many donors, a bequest provides the opportunity to make a more significant gift than is possible during their lifetime.
Please consult your legal and/or financial advisor about the many ways to make United Hebrew a beneficiary in your estate plans. The following sample provision may be helpful to you and your attorney.
“I bequeath to United Hebrew Congregation, 13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, MO 63141, the sum of $ _________ [or ________percent of my estate] for its general charitable, religious, and educational purposes.”
Designate United Hebrew Congregation as a beneficiary to a life insurance policy, retirement fund, pension, or IRA. Most often, all that is required is to name UH on the “beneficiary” line when you sign up for or modify your retirement plan. There are also alternatives for using a life insurance policy to benefit yourself and the Congregation during your lifetime.
With your financial institution, set up a Charitable Remainder Trust that distributes a percentage of its value each year to you. Upon the end of the designated period, the remaining assets in the trust will be gifted to United Hebrew Congregation. This can be a beneficial vehicle to avoid capital gains taxes and/or receive a tax deduction now, and also to generate income for yourself and for the Congregation, both during and beyond your lifetime.
If you are interested in a Gift Annuity then a contract between you and United Hebrew could bring you income for life, reduction or eliminate estate taxes and generate a gift for United Hebrew. In exchange for your gift, United Hebrew agrees to pay a fixed amount to one or two beneficiaries for life. The amount of the annuity payment will depend on the age of the beneficiaries and gift size.
We would be happy to have you notify us of a provision in your will that you may have made as we would like to invite you to join our Legacy Circle.
As generations before have helped provide for us, United Hebrew has established an Endowment Fund to help plan for the next generations. Gifts can be given now, or you can make a commitment for United Hebrew to receive your gift in the future.
Our Endowment is a fund in which the principal is maintained and a portion of the income or growth is used to support the Congregation, providing resources to maintain the wide variety of enriching programs we offer to our members. By building this fund, we are creating a stronger financial future for United Hebrew for years to come.
Help Build the Endowment Now – Make an Outright Gift
Gifts can be in the form of cash, securities or other property. There are also many meaningful naming and dedication opportunities available.
Unrestricted gifts provide United Hebrew with maximum flexibility to allocate funds where the need is greatest. However, if you desire to make a more targeted gift, please consider one of the broad areas that serve our core mission — worship, Jewish education (including our Saul Spielberg Early Childhood Center), community, or social justice.
For a minimum of $25,000, you may establish a fund in which tributes can be made. Funds can be created in someone’s honor or memory, and they can be unrestricted for general use or restricted for a specific program or purpose.
You can support United Hebrew Congregation with a gift of marketable securities.
Stocks and securities will be immediately sold upon transfer of ownership and will be valued at the average of the high and low market value on the date the donor relinquishes control of the assets to United Hebrew Congregation. In case of mailed certificates, the gift date is determined by the postmark.