Endowment Funds

Joan S. Abrams Education Fund for Lifelong Learning and Enrichment – Funds are directed toward learning initiatives in the congregation and at the discretion and direction of the Senior Rabbi along with the Executive Director. These areas of learning include, but are not limited to, Torah study, Leadership Development, Board Training and Development, Staff and Teacher Development, Religious School, and Preschool.

Brasch Building Maintenance Fund – Established by Jerry (z”l) and Rosalie Brasch, this fund is utilized to help defray the maintenance costs of operating the Congregation’s facilities.

Building Fund – Originally established to supplement pledges made to our Building Campaign. It now is utilized to help preserve our facility.

Clergy Discretionary Funds – Funds are being used at the discretion of the Rabbis and Cantor.

Ada & Frank Friedman Youth Group Memorial Fund – Established by Frank and the late Ada Friedman to help provide scholarships for members of our Senior Temple Youth Group to attend conclaves and to supplement the varied programs offered to the students in the ninth to twelfth grades participating in the activities of our Youth Group.

General Fund – Funds are used to support the programs and operations of the congregation.

Jablon Youth Fund – Established by the Jablon family to be used for special youth programs, activities and camp scholarships.

Stanley Laiderman Fund – Established by family and friends of Stanley Laiderman in his memory. Funds are being used by the Congregation; no specific designation for the funds.

Lew & Cheryl Levey Volunteer Appreciation Fund – Established by Lew and Cheryl Levey. The purpose of the fund is to help recruit volunteers for United Hebrew functions and activities as well as formally recognize and thank congregants for their “gifts of time” to the congregation and our community.

Robert “Bob” Levy Outdoor Beautification Fund– Established by Julie and Matt Perlberg in memory of Bob Levy. The fund will be used for the beautification of United Hebrew’s grounds above and beyond general maintenance to enable people to enjoy the outdoor space at United Hebrew.

Ruzena and Fred Levy Speaker Fund – Ruzena Levy was known as The Tzedakah Lady around the UH religious school for many years. The fund was established in memory of her and Fred, in order to sponsor speakers and scholars at United Hebrew.

Library Fund – Fund is being used for books and equipment for the Temple Library.

Perry & Shirleen Mehlman Camp Scholarship Fund – Established by the Mehlman Family in their memory. Funds are used to provide scholarships to members for a residential Jewish Camping experience.

Memorial (Yahrzeit) Fund – Funds received from members in remembrance of loved ones applied to general operating funds of the Congregation.

Messing Family Rabbinic Chair Fund –  Established by the Messing Family, this fund secures the financial stability of United Hebrew Congregation by funding the Senior Rabbi position.

Helen C. Millstone Music Fund – Established by the family of Helen Millstone. Funds are used for music programs and activities of the Congregation.

Opper-Rosenberg Youth Engagement Professional Fund – Established by Beverly Opper-Rosenberg and Stephen J. Rosenberg to assure a staff person (full time youth director or a part time advisor(s)) who is dedicated to youth engagement at United Hebrew.

Max and Ida Orenstein Safety and Security Fund – Established to provide immediate funds for safety and security, as well as the long term needs of the congregation. These expenditures may include work to ensure ADA compliance and safety personnel.

Morris & Birdie Potashnick Educational Fund – Established by the family of Morris and Birdie Potashnick, to be utilized to enhance the already outstanding programs of our Religious School.

Prayer Book Fund – Established to supplement the cost of replacing our Shabbat and festival prayer books.

Raskas Technology Fund – Established by the Raskas Family to provide a vehicle that allows the congregation to take advantage of technology as it continues to evolve that will enhance the impact UH has on the lives of our members, our community and Judaism.

Henrietta & Eli Spielberg Israel Scholarship Foundation Fund – Established by Henrietta and Eli Spielberg (z”l) this fund provides scholarships for students traveling to Israel for study and other educational experiences.

Saul Spielberg Early Childhood Center Fund – Established by the Spielberg family to raise funds for programs, scholarships and equipment for all early childhood center programs.

Billee & Cindy Thuner Chesed Fund – Established by the Estate of Billee and Cindy Thuner for the purpose of enabling United Hebrew to help its members with basic needs (food, shelter, medicine, payment of bills, etc.), during a time of great financial need, thus enabling them to feel some sense of relief in a difficult time. This fund is administered by the Senior Rabbi.

Towerman Family Scholarship Fund for Youth Education– Established by Stan Towerman to support a program designed to attract new members to United Hebrew Congregation by providing a Religious and Hebrew School tuition scholarship.

Betty & Gene Wolff Transportation Fund – Established by the Wolff Family to provide transportation to services and special events to members of the Congregation unable to drive.

Contact Us

13788 Conway Road
St. Louis, MO 63141
314-469-0700 (Main Office/Clergy)
314-434-3404 (School Office)

Office Hours

Monday - Friday,
8:30 am - 5:15 pm

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