The cost to maintain United Hebrew operations is approximately $3,600 per household per year. Your annual commitment to the United Hebrew Scroll of Honor at the “Leader” level and above strengthens the congregation’s ability to meet annual expenses while making it possible for others who may be experiencing financial hardship to be Partners at a lower annual commitment level. This will ensure United Hebrew’s vibrant future for generations to come.
In appreciation, the “LEADER/MANHIGIM” commitment level includes all the benefits of the Partner level, plus the following:
YOUNG LEADER Level: Adults under age 40, add $1,000 to your Partner level commitment and receive the benefits of the Leader/Manhigim level.
*NEW: Recognizing that we have many one adult households who are interested in joining the Scroll of Honor, we are offering the opportunity to join the first level of the scroll by increasing your $1,600 commitment by $1,100 to a total of $2,700. This is the same commitment difference between the two household commitment and the Scroll.
The “BUILDER/BONIM” commitment level includes all the benefits of the Partner and Leader Levels, plus the following:
The “PILLAR/ADUMIM” commitment level includes all the benefits of the Partner, Leader and Builder Levels, plus the following:
The “GUARDIAN/SHOMRIM” commitment level includes all the benefits of the Partner, Leader, Builder and Pillar Levels, plus the following:
The “ANGEL/MALACHIM” commitment level includes all the benefits of the Partner, Leader, Builder, Pillar, and Guardian Levels, plus the following:
*Excludes any program, meal, field trip, admission charges, and/or travel expenses associated with Religious/Hebrew school enrollment, youth groups, and/or congregational program activities.