In 2024, we are inviting campers to enjoy a staycation and learn all about their hometown. Each week we will explore different locations around Saint Louis from our classrooms. As we learn about each place, we will tie our learning into fine arts, cooking, sports, science, math, literacy, and more! On top of our adventures, we will have water play, and on Fridays, we will celebrate Shabbat and enjoy a pizza lunch. I look forward to going on this exploration with our children
We allow you flexibility when creating your child’s schedule. When registering your child, use the monthly calendar to indicate which days and times your child will attend. There are two requirements:
1. each child must attend a minimum of 3 days a week of your choosing and
2. Each child must attend for a minimum of 5 weeks.
Once selected, these dates CANNOT change as we will be building our staffing around your child’s specific schedule. However, should you need to add days/dates – we will do our best to make that work.
To reserve your child’s space at camp, complete and submit the registration forms and non-refundable registration and activity fee of $130 per child. If returned by January 26, the registration and activity fee will be reduced to $115. The fee includes a pizza lunch every Friday!
We’re looking forward to a great summer!
Thank you!
13788 Conway Road
St. Louis, MO 63141
314-469-0700 (Main Office/Clergy)
314-434-3404 (School Office)
Monday - Friday,
8:30 am - 5:15 pm
Get all the latest news and anouncements about our events, programs, services, and more.