June 5, 2022, 10:00 am - 11:00 am
The Torah was given in the wilderness, as Mt. Sinai was the pinnacle moment of our people – the moment when the covenant, our relationship with God, was solidified. This year, we take Shavuot outside – as the sages remind us, “we hear God’s voice most clearly in the wilderness.”
Join us as we celebrate Shavuot in the outdoors, weather permitting! We will gather at 10:00 a.m., at Queeny Park, in the parking lot just off of Mason Road.
We ask that you RSVP to Angie Klenke at 314-434-3404 so we know to look for you that morning, but if you haven’t rsvp’d and wake up on the 5th and want to join us – please do so!