High Holy Day Appeal 2024/5785

High Holy Day Appeal

With summer months slowly coming to an end, we are excited to welcome you back for a full year of worship and programming. Over the past several months, we have been “refreshing” our Millstone Sanctuary, Spielberg Chapel, Millstone Library and several other areas. Looking toward the future and how we want to use these spaces for years to come drove the choices that were made in each of these areas. All the renovations were made possible through a generous donation from Eva and Fred (z”l) Ashner and from endowment funds; the Joan S. Abrams Education Fund for Lifelong Learning and Enrichment and the Raskas Technology Fund which are just a handful of the funds that have been set up by families to plan for the future.

As we prepare for the upcoming High Holy Days, a period of renewal, reflection, and introspection, we ask that you consider United Hebrew’s importance in your life, and what you can do to make sure that it remains strong and vibrant just like those who came before you. As Jews we don’t pray alone. We do not atone by ourselves. Rather, we do this together, standing and sitting in unison in our beloved UH sanctuary (in person and online). Being together in our sacred space reminds us of the importance of United Hebrew in our lives. UH is an epicenter for Jewish life and living. It is the place where Jewish identity takes shape, where people can form lifelong relationships, where we can celebrate and mourn with family and friends. Most importantly, UH is the place that so many of us call home.

Our home is dependent on generous contributions for its ability to not only survive but thrive. It is because of this that we hope you will be inspired to give to our annual High Holy Day Appeal which goes directly into our operating budget so that we may continue valuable programs, worship and educational opportunities.

It is not the size of your donation that is critical, but rather your commitment to help ensure that United Hebrew will be here for our children, grandchildren, and all future generations.
You may make your gift marked “HHD Appeal” using one of the four methods of payment listed here: 

  • Check – mail to United Hebrew 
  • PayPal – go to paypal.me/uhcstl
  • Venmo – @uhcstl  
  • Website – here

With sincere gratitude, and blessings for the New Year to come. 

Contact Us

13788 Conway Road
St. Louis, MO 63141
314-469-0700 (Main Office/Clergy)
314-434-3404 (School Office)

Office Hours

Monday - Friday,
8:30 am - 5:15 pm

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